Designer wanted, knowledge of neurosurgery a plus.
These days, you have to know how to diversify. Make yourself indispensable in every field. To be competitive, you need to master the tools to produce more and more. In my opinion, this omniscience is not uniformly valued in all strata of the population.

Technical overhaul for winbiz
I was lucky. A high-quality graphic base. The perfect playground to challenge WordPress. A multilingual project, with ambitious page structures, sign-up forms and a map with filters, what happiness. The result: a site built 100% in “full site editor” mode, taking full advantage of the latest features of the WordPress platform.

WordPress: doubt and faith.
Since the introduction of the Gutenberg editor, a rift has opened up in the WordPress community. What was intended to be a modern, flexible tool to simplify content creation has provoked contrasting reactions. On the one hand, some see it as a major step forward, a means of competing with platforms such as Wix or […]

Towards good enough
When you buy a branded backpack for 20 francs in a shop in Vietnam, there are two solutions: either the brands overcharge us for their marketing, or the quality of our purchase is simply not good.

WordPress 6.5, Should I switch to the “Block theme”?
When there’s something new with WordPress (WP), we usually wait. When the Gutenberg editor was released (in 2015, it seems to me) caution was the order of the day. Today, I can’t do without it. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Shall we take the plunge? Are we abandoning this “Hybrid theme”?

Graphic design is a bit like everything else
Today, graphic designers are threatened by unprecedented, apocalyptic dangers. New technologies for some. The economic crisis for others. Some are even afraid of others and think that we train too much in the profession, just as we open up borders too much… It’s only global warming which, it seems to me, is of no consequence, […]

Simplicity is complex
First, to simplify, you have to give up.

My 3 wishes for the future of WordPress
WordPress is changing, fast, and I’m happy about it. But I have needs that aren’t necessarily those of the community! (spoiler alert multilangue)

First WordCamp, First Article
We arrived in Taipei by sky. Greeted by lush hills, then swallowed up by its intense urbanism. It’s a city, a massive city. From a distance, all you see is its brutalist architecture skyscrapers, with dated futurism, up close, you feel in a millennium village. The miracle of large Asian cities, for a European, we […]